Reminding children to take their medication.
InTecto is a connected alarm clock system that reminds children to take their medication. Our goal was to provide the parents with a better overview, while also providing the child with a fun experience and design.
The concept consists of two devices, a pill dispenser and a bracelet, plus a website. The parents can set up the device online, where they can set alarms for when the child should take their medication. When the bracelet vibrates, the child will get reminded to take the medication. The pills get dispensed by scanning the bracelet close to the dispenser, which will also notify the parents that the child has taken the medicine. For the full details, please watch the Kickstarter-style video below.
Some of the design processes can be seen below.
This concept was developed as the last hand-in during the Mechatronics Design course offered in my Bachelor’s degree.
DTU, Bsc in Design & Innovation, Group project, 4th semester 2018